Secondary schools play a vital role in ensuring the integration of refugee children and families into the wider community. When refugee children join a school they may be new to the locality. They may have experienced disruption to their schooling and the loss of friends and family.
For refugee children, going to school and being fully included helps restore normal daily routines and provides a safe environment and opportunities to make progress with learning.
Developing support for refugee children is a whole-school responsibility. The National Curriculum expects teachers to plan for the diverse learning and pastoral needs of pupils from all social and cultural backgrounds, including refugees. The Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 also places a duty on schools to promote equality of opportunity, tackle racial discrimination and promote good relations between different communities.
The Children Act 2004 and Every Child Matters: Change for Children outlines the responsibility of schools to ensure the well-being and progress of all children, including refugees, by working together more effectively with other agencies and services.
This area of the website provides information, guidance and case studies on good practice in secondary educational settings.
By accessing school and other services, refugee children and families can receive help with their immediate needs and start the process of integration.
Refugee children come to secondary schools with a diversity of talents and skills. With the right support and encouragement in school and at home, they can achieve their full potential.
By contributing to the community refugee children and families are able to integrate more fully. Schools provide a safe and secure environment and opportunities for refugee children to make new friends. They also play an important role in raising awareness in the host community of the benefits of cultural diversity.